Sunday 27 July 2014

Why I became a Personal Trainer!

I started my journey to becoming a Personal Trainer in 2010 after becoming a mother for the first time. I found it difficult to find a gym (or PT) that wasn't too expensive and had facilities where I could leave Hayley while I did a work out. I also found the hours offered by the gym crèche limited, and with a husband in the defence force and often away for long periods, I found that I HAD to go during those hours or a didn't get to go at all.

I was also diagnosed with a hernia 8 months after Hayley was born, which I had repaired at the time. The recovery time for this was 6 weeks. A similar recovery to that of a caesarean. I often wonder if I had had the proper instruction when I returned to the gym or had personal training been an affordable option for me at the time, whether this would have occurred.

As I said in my last post, my husband is a proud member of our defence force and as such we move around every few years. In our early years as a couple I decided I would forgo a career in Human Resources to support his career in the Army. I have never regretted this decision! However, it means that I have had to find employment in each posting location!

I love exercise!!!! I love the feeling after training. Releasing the build up of stress after a bad day! I am also a sufferer of anxiety and if left untreated, depression. The best thing I can do for myself and for the prevention of my anxiety is EXERCISE! And it is by far the cheapest!!!

These factors lead me down the path to Personal Training. It seemed like a natural progression for me. It will allow me to be able to work of home in the future, where I can be close to my kids. I can take it with me wherever the defence force may take us!

My long term goal is to help those who want to change their lifestyle and get back in shape, particularly after having children. I want mothers to be able to bring their children with them, if they don't have anyone to look after them. I want to help expectant mothers on their journey through pregnancy and beyond.

I have had my Cert III and IV since 2011, but I have only just started working in the industry! This is because I found out I was pregnant while doing work experience. Then by the time I was ready to go back to work after having Ruby, we got posted to Melbourne!! So here in are in Melbourne, freezing our way through our first real winter in 5 years (winters in Brisbane don't count!). So I have found a great job and I am loving it!! The staff have a wealth of knowledge and I know I am going to learn so much from them, and I can't wait!

Over the course of this blog you will share my journey, my learning! This is the real start of my journey to becoming a Fitness Professional!!


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